Goals: Two Year Anniversary

Today marks the two year anniversary that I became a writer. It could be debated whether the anniversary should fall on the day I started writing my first book or the day it was published, but I choose the former because it’s the day I took action. – from my one...

Favorite Books of 2015

In no particular order, here are some of my favorite books of 2015! I mostly read non-fiction, whether it’s to gain knowledge about a particular subject (like indie publishing or photography), or just to learn about other geeks out there like me. Non-Fiction...

Goodbye 2015, Helloooo 2016!

2015 was a pretty good year While I didn’t accomplish all of my writing goals, I did manage to publish two books that I’m very proud of: “Monster Girl: Ghost in the Attic” and “Zombie Boy: Press Start“. I also wrote the vomit draft...

“Zombie Boy” is Now Available on iBooks

Anyone who knows me knows that I love both my Mac and my iPhone, especially my iPhone. Not only is it basically my brain (aka Mission Control), but it is my favorite camera. After all, the best camera is the one you have with you. And I have my iPhone on me...