Can zombies smile?
I suppose they could if they had any muscle control left after decomposition. And speaking of composition, (see what I did there?!), to celebrate the release of “Zombie Boy: Press Start”, today I begin my second iPhone daily photo challenge of 2015!
Since “Zombie Boy iPhone Daily Photo Challenge” is a mouthful, let’s just call it the “Zombie Boy Photo Challenge”, m’kay? I’ll tag my photos like this: #ZombieBoy #PhotoChallenge.
The first challenge I did was this past April, and it was a lot of fun. Like April’s spring colors and excitement, December should also bring many opportunities to capture unique moments, especially with Christmas just around the corner!
Because nothing goes together better than Christmas and zombies, amirite?
To kick things off, I give you this photo…

“Say Cheese!” – Day one of the #ZombieBoy #PhotoChallenge. Yes, that’s a feral from Fallout.
Don’t forget to follow along on Facebook or Instagram @valmakesmovies for daily photo updates! You can also check out more of my photography – both iPhone and DSLR – at Flickr.