Continue Viki’s Journey!

“Monster Girl: Ghost in the Attic” (Book 2) is available NOW!! “Monster Girl” book 2 is now available at Amazon! Following the events of the first book in the “Monster Girl” series, Viki and Herman find clues that take them on a...

Cover Reveal: One Year Anniversary

Today marks the one year anniversary that I became a writer. It could be debated whether the anniversary should fallĀ on the day I started writing my first book or the day it was published, but I choose the former because it’s the day I took action. Last Jan 12th...

Favorite Movies of 2014

Tis the season for top 10 lists! What’s great about them is that they expose us to gems we may have missed. Rarely do I meet someone who agrees with my tastes 100% of the time, but I enjoy reading why people liked the movies they did, and if it grabs my interest...

Glancing Back and Stepping Forward Into 2015

To resolve means to “make a firm decision, or resolution, to do something”. Typically, resolutions are made at the start of each new year and most, unfortunately, don’t get accomplished. I’m certainly guilty of it, too. However, it’s...

“Monster Girl book 2″ is coming soon!

Viki’s getting a sequel! Something I like to do as a memento for myself is take a picture of the words “The End” and the date on a blank page for whatever first draft I just finished writing. Since I write all my first drafts longhand, those...